Using Smart Technology to Move Customers Down the Funnel


The success of any business, irrespective of what industry or market it belongs to, is measured by how they treat their customers, and smart technology helps make a difference. The products or services you offer are irrelevant when it comes to moving customers down the funnel. The ability to attract customers to your business holds the key, and you will only be able to do that if you treat them as valuable assets to your business.

Wondering how to measure the worth of customers for any business? The customers provide the company with direction and purpose, as they supply valuable feedback, which is used as a springboard for new ideas and concepts. Customers hold all the keys to success since they are the ones who bring in the revenue for the business.

That is why businesses today are focusing more on offering exceptional customer satisfaction because if the business appreciates the customer, it will result in better conversions. Most businesses struggle with moving customers down the funnel, which means turning website traffic into solid leads and sales. However, smart technology has helped make a difference as it allows businesses to understand their customers to identify gaps in the buying process much faster.

Ways to Create a Customer Experience Strategy

Why do you Need to Understand your Customers?

Before we move on to discuss the benefits of using smart technology to move customers down the funnel, we must look at why you need to understand your customers. It is important that as a business you cultivate a relationship with your customer since it will determine the success of your company. This can only happen if you know your customer, and this is where smart technology has made things so much easier for businesses.

It has made it easier for businesses to acquire data about their customers, which helps them better understand the likes, dislikes, and needs of their customers. The importance of customer data can’t be understated, which is why it is important to keep accurate records of all customer transactions. This will help the business keep a flourishing relationship with customers, and will profit both partners.

The Benefits

So how does smart technology assist in helping businesses move customers down the funnel? This all comes down to the collection of customer data, which is where smart technology has helped businesses in improving customer satisfaction. We will cover all the benefits that it offers in detail below, along with helping you identify the key points that will help your company achieve success.

1. Improved analytical data and reporting

Miscalculated data can demolish your chances of success, which is where smart technology helps. There are different CRM tools and systems available, which help store information about all customers, and leads to enhanced data analytics. The best part about these tools is that they can be integrated easily, and can generate automatic reports, which helps save time. With improved data reporting, any business can make effective and resourceful decisions to achieve greater customer loyalty.

customer relationship management data analysis and reporting

2. Heightened informational processes

The key to success for any business trying to move customers down the funnel is knowing their customers. The better a business knows their customer, the easier it will be for them to provide them with an experience that results in conversions. This means that the business must record, document, or identify all customer data for future reference, and thanks to smart technology all of this is possible. Having access to customer data always plays a crucial role in helping move them down the funnel.

3. Increased efficiency for teams

Smart technology allows you to easily access stored information about customers, which can be shared with multiple teams across the business. This improves efficiency for all departments, mainly sales, customer service, and marketing, and helps them funnel customers down the pipeline to close sales. All departments can share information with each other, which ensures that the organization improves its operations and boosts the bottom line.

4. Improved communications

As discussed above, smart technology helps all departments in the organization to function at the same high level of service, as they all have access to customer data. This helps the entire business to stay on track and improve their daily functions, resulting in more client retention. The happier clients the clients are, the better the chances of the business moving customers down the funnel.

5. Automating tasks

Completing sales are never easy, and isn’t the same thing as getting a customer to commit. There are lots of things that go under the radar of every sale, which needs to be completed in the proper order for the sale to be completed. This includes forms being filled out, addressing legal issues, and sending reports to different departments. All of this takes time, and involves a lot of people down the chain, which is where mistakes can be made. Smart technology takes that out of the equation, by ensuring that all these tasks are automated. This helps your representatives to deal with closing leads, and moving customers down the funnel faster, while smart technology automates the rest.